Sunday, July 7, 2013

She's Got Talent

Ok so my baby sister (which I have three) but I am talking about baby, baby sister hates when we all nag on her about her artistic abilities but I am gonna! She is incredible! The girl can draw I tell you... She doesn't do anything with it right now and doesn't seem to have much interest in it but the girl can create some amazing art. Ask her to create a sketch and things she draws in a matter of minutes would take me at least weeks if not months to do.

Hahaha! Here you can see the smirk on her face since she knew I was taking a photo. When the girl starts to draw we all accumulate around her! 

My dad was working on a project for my papa. He asked my sister to help him out. He can't draw like he use to on a count of how sick he is so he put her to work and he helped out. 

There were some areas that just needed touch ups like in the photos below...

But dad wanted more characters added so...

My awesome, artistic sister drew some things from scratch on this clock and they look awesome! I will post photos of the finished project at a later time. As you  can see the girl really does have some talent! Keep it up Kelsi, love you!

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Delta, Colorado, United States
Hello and welcome! I am Kena Iversen. I am the mother to the three most adorable little girls, wife to the most incredible husband and my job well, I have the greatest one in the world! I love what I do and am truly blessed.