Monday, July 8, 2013

Our Papa's the Best

Yes that's right my pops is one of The Greats! He is turning 78 this year and yet I can't think of anything he can't do. He is pretty incredible if I do say so myself...

He came out to Colorado just a few weeks ago and the first thing he did was went out to the garden to help out. The man never tires I tell ya! Well ok he does of course after all he is human but it takes a lot. 

See I told you he tires. Of course you don't get much sleep with so many grand babies lol. My pops has been an inspiration to everyone he meets. He has worked hard his whole life and works to this day. My pops does not like to be bored and from what I hear he never really has been (but those stories are for another day haha). 

You all recall in one of my more recent posts I showed you some of our fantastic Father's Day gifts? Well once my dad saw his he of course wanted a photo for his dad (my pops)! So I happily obliged!

I had to make two separate photos for him as there are so many of us. The top photo is my daddy and us kids. So my pops son and his grand kids. The photo below is of my babies so my pops great-grand kiddos! It was a lot of fun creating these for him. In my book he won't ever know or understand just how much he means to us all.

We all love you Papa! You're pretty much the coolest guy we know. The kids and I are so happy to be spending some time with you...

(I swear he doesn't sleep often! Lol)

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Delta, Colorado, United States
Hello and welcome! I am Kena Iversen. I am the mother to the three most adorable little girls, wife to the most incredible husband and my job well, I have the greatest one in the world! I love what I do and am truly blessed.