Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Lilly Jo Iversen

Finally! Our beautiful little miss Lilly is here!

November 16th, 2:47pm
6lbs 4oz; 19 1/2in long

After waking up early yesterday morning to contractions I could barely walk through I finally went to the hospital and arrived around 10am. Deciding not to call Dan back until after confirmation that our baby was coming, after finding out I finally had made progress from 3cm to 4 to 4 1/2cm we called him. With Dan on his way I continued to progress rather quickly, thank goodness! Dan arrived around noon and I finally got an epideral around 7cm, only about 25 minutes before our little lady made her arrival. Around 2:30ish Lilly's heart rate when down very low. I was only 8 1/2 to 9cm at this point but Lilly had to come out so whentold to push; I pushed! We had specialist on hand to check her lungs thinking after the amneo test on Sunday that came back not good we would need them, however they only stayed for maybe fifteen minutes and went on their way as there was nothing wrong at all with her lungs. She came out happy and healthy! Thank you Lord!

She is beautiful and we cannot get enough of her. She has blue eyes, strawberry blonde hair, her dads ears and my lips. We are so blessed to have our Lilly part of the family. Our family of four becomes a wonderful family of five.

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Delta, Colorado, United States
Hello and welcome! I am Kena Iversen. I am the mother to the three most adorable little girls, wife to the most incredible husband and my job well, I have the greatest one in the world! I love what I do and am truly blessed.