Friday, August 20, 2010

From four to five!

December 4th is the new date we are all looking forward to in the Iversen household. This is the due date for the new arrival of number five in the home! A new little princess is what we are expecting on or before that day and we are all very excited. The girls are ready for another little one around but their minds are filled with how "daddy" will be the only boy around four girls. I love how the minds of our children work. Lily Jo Iversen, that will be the name of the new little one about to enter our world. She is already an active one there is no doubt about that. She has kicked me more in a week than it seems Kiera did in a month. Maybe she is mad at me because I called her Landon for so long...I tell her that was before I knew she was a little princess, but that does not seem to help:)

 The house seems to be shrinking as our numbers grow but that just means more room for improvement. Dan is hoping to expand this next summer on our little piece of land. It would be great with five in a home of only two rooms and one bathroom! This are all things we are looking forward to in not just the next few months but also in the next few however has been a long but fulfilling day. Kiera has gone now two weeks in big girl panties and is doing remarkably well. Skylar now gets to spend most weekends with us at home so a trip to junction was made for her pick-up. Mesa State bookstore was another stop on the way where books were once again the cost of a brand new computer or better. Every time I make a trip to Junction I miss my home that much more. Cities are just crazy hectic for me anymore. I love when I walk down the street most everyone I know. I love that my children can play outside and still ride their bikes up and down the street (me watching of course) but the option is there. I love that every classroom setting has no more than twenty students and you become a part of something not just another number. Life here is better than anywhere I could imagine.

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Delta, Colorado, United States
Hello and welcome! I am Kena Iversen. I am the mother to the three most adorable little girls, wife to the most incredible husband and my job well, I have the greatest one in the world! I love what I do and am truly blessed.