Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Another Day

As I sit here on this beautiful morning while on vacation I know I am so blessed! We are having a wonderful time together as we visit with family.

My kids are so happy when all together. It make me as a mama so excited to know they have such an amazing relationship. There are some who would like to see them apart and not so close but their love for one another can never ever be broken. Skylar has many sisters from both houses and we know she has a relationship with all of her sisters but there is something very special she shares with my girls. 

We are just beyond blessed with our girls! I can't say it enough...

I am so excited to see what this next school year brings. There will be some amazing things in store for the family, and I am forever grateful and so thankful to my Lord for giving me these children as mine to raise. 

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Delta, Colorado, United States
Hello and welcome! I am Kena Iversen. I am the mother to the three most adorable little girls, wife to the most incredible husband and my job well, I have the greatest one in the world! I love what I do and am truly blessed.