Monday, November 8, 2010
Round four or was it five?
Update to you all: Thursday I went into the hospital after waiting what felt like forever. (I did not want to end up at the hospital only to be sent back with no baby) We got to the hospital around 2pm and I was contracting one on top of another. They gave me morphine and something else to settle down the contractions as the pattern I was in was not a good one for me or baby. They said contracting like that was giving Lilly less oxygen and the contractions were not getting enough time do anything to me. I am not for any drugs but if my baby is at any risk I will accept what is needed. After some time passed I began to contract a more normal pattern, about every 2-3 minutes so I was getting breathes in between which meant so was Lilly. Friday morning they tried not to stop anything they were still waiting to see if I was in real labor. By this point every nurse and doctor was calling me a "medical mystery." They had never seen anyone contract in such a way and not dialate. I went through this all day Friday until they decided to try potosin to help with the contractions. (For those who do not know Potosin they use to induce labor) I was put on potosin around 6pm Friday evening. Nothing changed until about 2am when I had finally dialated to 3cm, whoohoo! Our nurse Niki who has been with us at some point during every one of our hospital visits was almost more excited than we were. She did a happy dance for me since I was stuck on the monitors. After this accomplishment my body just seemed to be in a stand still yet again. Saturday around 9am they took me off the Potosin as it was not doing what it was intended to do and for the rest of our visit I sat in pain and exhaustion with no more dialation. Sunday we were sent home because there was no significant change to keep me in the hopsital plus I would rest better at home was the thought. So here I sit still contracting every 3 minutes or so with no change and I am exhausted. At this point as much as I would love to see my babys face and hold her in my arms I need rest, whether I begin to contract with progress or stop contracting all together I will be happy. The Lord knows best and knows what my body can take better than anyone so please pray with me that his plan is revealed and either we come home with a baby in a few days or the pain I am feeling ceases and I can rest until that day comes.
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- Kena Iversen
- Delta, Colorado, United States
- Hello and welcome! I am Kena Iversen. I am the mother to the three most adorable little girls, wife to the most incredible husband and my job well, I have the greatest one in the world! I love what I do and am truly blessed.
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