Home at Last!
She is home! Our beautiful, oldest princess is home. She looked so small and yet so big at the same time as she came out of her Kindergarten class. Her backpack is about as big as she is which made her look so small to me. And yet as she walked out in line with the rest of all the pint sized kiddos she seemed to have matured over night. She is in school! This is crazy. She really is growing up right before our eyes. I wanted to just cry happy tears but that would be silly. As we walked to the car she couldn't help but overly excited that me and Kiera were there to bring her home. All her mind was thinking about was coming home. She talked the whole way back lol, telling us about every detail in her class, what she is learning, her new friends etc... We love her so much and are so glad that she is home. I would write more on all of her excitement but I am sure it would be a bore to some lol. Enjoy your day all as I am sure we will now that our family is complete!
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