There is another baby girl on the way and she will be here soon! Of course this time we still have no name for her... we are super excited but giving a child a name can be so difficult. It makes it even harder when you try to make it a family decision. The girls are just as excited as Dan and I are but some of their ideas...well lets just say I wouldnt blame their new sister if she decided to change her name lol. I have to say this pregnancy has been hospital visits full of contractions, no bed rest or pills to take every day. I have loved every minute of being pregnant! I am actually surprised at how fast it has gone by...
Sky loved being home this past week, it was the last time she would see us without her new sister. Of course she was sad when she left since it had been six months since her last visit to Colorado. Poor girl, she loves her mom and I know she does but she tells us she really doesnt like Texas. She brought up so many things this past visit and kept saying "you should have told the judge that." Her mom does limit her with the family...she is not allowed to call or text anyone from my side of the family becausd they are not blood relatives. Now this wouldnt bother me so much if she were not so hypocritical. Her husbands family is family and they should be...but then whats the difference in my family being family. In all fairness that little girl has been apart of my life since she was 18 months old (she is now almost 8). I have always been mom to her, I have helped raise her in fact she has been more apart of my life then her step-dads. For the first 5 years so from ages 18 months to 7 he traveld around the world for his job and anywhere between 3 to 6 weeks at a time and never home for longer than a month. Her dad and I have always been there, I have been a stay at home mom and he comes home every single night. Now in regards to my family they may not be blood buy my mother is the type of person that has told sky, "its ok if your mom doesnt want you to call me just dont fight with your mom." My family loves that girl so much they would rather sit on the back burner than have her suffer. Whats that Garth Brooks song? Something like..."blood is thicker than water but love is thicker than blood..." in this case it is oh so true! We may not be blood but our love for her is so much stronger and she will always know this!
I kind of went somewhere I was not planning on going but I guess sometimes you just want to say your piece.