Man oh man has it taken me a few days to feel rested! I was hoping to get a full days rest but oh the wonderful life of a mother. Swim lessons started on Monday and since Melissa is still out of town I have picked up Madison everyday to take her and Kiera for their lessons. It has been a long few weeks to say the least but that is summer and truthfully I wouldn't have it any other way! Yesterday all three of my girls crashed as soon as they hit the pillows....this hardly ever happens so I had to take some pictures.
It makes it all worth it when you get to see your babies so happy and content.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Home Sweet Home
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Our journey home!
Here we are my friends on our way back to colorado. It was a busy day the weather was good and the wedding was beautiful! I will be posting pictures on my website and blog and would love for you to post comments. I love getting feedback good or bad it is such a great way to help me improve!
Now on to our trip! We are headed to mount rushmore and will post pictures soon.
Our little journey home has come to a detour well more of a temporary hault. We made it to the entrance gate at Mount Rushmore only to find it closed! So here we sit in the car at a little place called rinkle rock waiting for 5am to roll around. If you came this far would you just turn around leave? Our wait definently has put Lilly in a better mood now that she can move around!
We made it to the mountain! It is beautiful and amazing!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Kena & Cody's Adventure continues!
We made it to Nebraska ...7:30am and we are in Hershey! Who wouldn't want to stop in a town named after chocolate right lol? Unfortunately, this town is not very chocolatey.
We found Cody's real! Here we are at Fort Cody!
Hey dad we found this for ya...hahaha
We came across a very based accident. There were only a few people trying to keep one of the men involved to stay awake. Pray they all make it home to their families safe!
South Dakota! We made it to the next state in our little journey Whoohoo! My girls, I miss you so much, wishing you were here with me.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Kena and Cody's Road Trip Adventure
Hey all...Kena here, along with my
little brother Cody and Lilly (she can't go too far from me yet!) We are on our way to Minnesota! I am shooting a wedding there and so off we go. Join us on our little road trip "as we bodly go..." where none of our family has gone before. We will be sending photos and quotes along the way so keep in touch.
A little over an hour ago we passed Powderhorn.....

- Kena Iversen
- Delta, Colorado, United States
- Hello and welcome! I am Kena Iversen. I am the mother to the three most adorable little girls, wife to the most incredible husband and my job well, I have the greatest one in the world! I love what I do and am truly blessed.