This month has already been a long one to say the least. Yet here we are at the end of the month already celebrating Halloween. With both the girls at home this weekend and next weekend we will definently be staying busy. Already today we will be headed over to Mel and Ty's to carve pumpkins, eat dinner and watch some kind of fight on the television. Next weekend we will be crazy busy taking Skylar and Kiera around town to trick or treat on Saturday evening. (Sky has to be at her moms by 6:30pm on Sunday which is real Halloween) We don't want her to miss the fun time with us so we are sort of having a Halloween weekend. Although this particular holiday neither Dan or I really care for, the girls love to dress up and get candy right now. As soon as they decide they don't like it anymore then this holiday will go bye-bye to be honest. For now watching them have a good time playing "pretend" is a joy while they are so small and innocent.

It is difficult for me to sit here and think only of my family when around the rest of the world are friends and family that suffer. An aunt who lost her husband to cancer after 61 years of marriage, a friend who lies with her 4month old son in a hospital having to say good-bye, and my husband who lost a sister. I truly do know that the Lord will never give us more than we can bare, but grievance is to be expected. There is no easy way to say good-bye to anyone that you love and for this I say a prayer everyday for those who have had no choice but to do just that.
Rueben Hultburg 1928 - 2010