So after more emailing back and forth with BreAnne we have decided to take Skylar back early so long as she keeps our agreement and lets Skylar stay an extra hour and a half with us whenever we choose. I really do not like dealing with her at all as she has not made a good impression on me or anyone else I know. I am always trying to give her the benefit of the doubt but she consistently makes it seem like her own selfishness is above Skylars happiness and that just seems very wrong to me. God knows all things, He will be there in our good and bad times and I must remember that He will never give me or my family more than we can bare. Overall this week has been great but I hate it when they end...Sundays should be a happy day all the time, to be able to worship and give yet another thanks to our Lord. Unfortunately for us it comes with good-byes every other week and that is not something to look forward to. Until she is gone and we start counting the days until she comes home. Someday soon she will be old enough to tell us where she would like to be, though one may hurt more than the other it will make me so happy...for it will be the day that she makes her own decision without ANYONE in the middle, parents or step-parents alike.
Skylar did however get to take her cousins to Sunday School this morning and they all seemed to love it!!! Which makes me extremely happy..."Lord you are always watching, please keep Skylar safe as she goes away from us, protect and guide her, love her always and keep her knowing that you are here for her whenever we cannot be...thank you."